Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sunday Verse

Ecclesiastes 3:1

There is a time for everything,

and a season for every activity under heaven:
It has been so very long since I could find both time and energy at the same time to post. I would love to be able to keep up with blogging and post more regularly as well as comment when I visit blogs of those who are Dear to me. It seems my children keep me busy between kindergarten, preschool and a growing baby who is half a year old. Where has the time gone? I feel it slipping away so quickly like the sands of the hourglass. I keep trying to remind myself that this is only a Season, but some days fly by fast and others feel so slow as I struggle to do the tasks before me. I could go on but I'm sure you can relate. Right now my Family needs me and this is where I need to focus my energy. Hopefully I can get back to blogging soon, it is so very therapeutic for me. In this Season I give Thanks for every blessing bestowed.

1 comment:

Elle Bee said...

Was thinking of you just now and thought I'd come visit. My goodness, do I understand the season you are in! You're a good momma, to focus your energy where it's most needed--on those precious children!