Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Productive waiting

Finding ways to entertain my kids has been a challenge while I finish gestating. This activity happened spontaneously the other day when they happened to be playing really well together in their room. I pulled out some felt play scenes someone had gifted us with from the dollar store. They were having a blast using them on the rug. So I impulsively went through my fabric stash and found this flannel and sewed a cover for their art easel. Then I went through my flanned and cut out pizza fixins to play with. It was a hit.

Master creatively turned his pizza into a face!
Stuntwoman decided abstract was more her gig!

I think it will be fun to add to ideas for this with shapes, flowers, bugs, more food play. The possiblities are endless. Any other ideas for felt play?
Now if I could just get on with delivering kid number 3, this waiting is driving me bonkers!


Dandy said...

You are so creative! How are you feeling?

Nola said...

Back in the 1960's when I was little, our Sunday school lessons were felt on flannel, it was "flannelcraft" or something. The lesson was told putting the characters up on a flannel board. My fav was at Christmas, the nativity in flannel, I was awestruck. Yeah, I was easily entertained, what can I say, not much has changed.

Diana Ferguson said...

I'm sure #3 is getting ready for the big arrival very soon.

Stacey said...

What a fun idea! I am impressed of how you just whipped this up in the moment. I am not a sew-er.